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GSK Oral Question Part 2


Q1. – Tell two works on
mast which will require you to climb?

1.Chainging the bulb of navigation/anchor lights on forward mast

Maintenance of wire stages.

Changing shackles’ of wires

Maintenance of mast

Adjusting the position of navigation lights.


Q2. What PPE will you
wear while climbing the mast?

Safety helmet, safety goggles, boiler suit, hand gloves,, safety harness,
safety line, safety shoes.


Q3. Tell three safe
practices to be followed when climbing the mast.

proper PPE 2. Take working aloft work permit 3. Wear safety harness, 4. Inform
to duty officer, 5. Keep proper communication, 6. Always keep attendant ready,
7. Check weather condition, 8. Avoid at night time if possible.

 Read this also

 GSK Oral Exam Questions Part 1

Q4. What is a safety

It provides to fit in your body while working aloft, attached with life line
and hook.


Q5. Why is it required
to have heaving line on ships?

Heaving line is used to send mooring ropes ashore and at pilot station and at
gangway it is used to lift some luggage of pilot or any other persons.


Q6. When will you use
the heaving line?

mooring station, at pilot station,, at gangway


Q7. What care will you
take while using heaving line?

should be in good condition, of good length, don’t keep any heavy object in
monkey fist, should be dry, don’t keep any joints etc.


Q8. Tell two
precautions you will observe while throwing heaving line.

don’t throw directly on shore person, don’t make monkey fist very heavy, keep
clear everything, don’t run and throw

Q9. What is the purpose
of monkey fist?

It is a knot which makes one end of heaving line more heavily so that line can
reach at long distance.

Q10. How will you find
out the size of the rope used for making heaving line?

senior officers will inform to use 8 to 10 mm size rope and then by measuring
the diameter they can use it.

 Read this also

 GSK Oral Exam Questions Part 1


Q1. What is PPE?

PPE stand for –Personal Protective Equipment


Q2. Name few PPE.

•        Safety helmet-for head protection from
falling objects

•        Safety goggles-eye protection from
foreign(outside insects,etc) bodies

•        Safety face mask-for face protection
from smoke and dust

•        Hand gloves – While handling wire ropes

•        Ear muffs-protect ears from high
intensity sounds

•        Boiler suit- protect body while working
on deck

•        Safety shoes- protect foot from heavy

•        Chemical suit- protect from chemicals


Q3. How the PPE help to
its user?

Same as above answer


Q4. What will you do if
you find other member in your team is not using PPE?

I will tell him to wear proper PPE which is required for the work and if   he does not listen then I will inform to
senior officer.


Q5. Where will you find
PPE onboard ship?

In my cabin. And at designated places .easily available.


Q6. What will you do if
you do not have proper PPE for job?

I will ask to officer in charge to provide me the proper PPE for work and once
received then carry out my work.


Q7. Tell 3 safety precautions
to be followed when working on anchor station.

Ans.  1. Wear proper PPE.

          2. Follow the orders of officer in

          3. Remove all obstructions.

          4. Put proper illumination at night

          5. Wear proper clothes as per weather



Q8. Tell three safety
precautions to be followed when working on accommodation ladder in port.

1.One person always on gangway duty.

         2. Safety net rigged under gangway

         3. Platform of gangway is flat with

         4. No oil or slippery objects on

         5. Proper illumination at night time.

         6. Check mooring ropes regularly.

         7. Always keep heaving line and
lifebuoy at gangway.

         8. Check ID of persons coming onboard

         9. Make entry in gangway register.
With time in/out and signature

         10. Issue the visitors card.


Q9. What is a work

For very risky works the proper permit should be taken from Master to carry out
that work safely. Master Issues the work permit to officer in charge and he
explains that to the crew members who are involved in that work. No work permit
is valid for more than 24 hours.


Q10- what is purpose of
these work permits.

– Because of this, the work will be explained properly; risk assessment will be
carried out, and reduces the chances of accidents, injuries.


Q11. Name three types
of work permits used on tankers.

1. Tanks entry

         2. Enclosed space entry.

         3. Working aloft.

         4. Working over side.

         5. Cold work permit.

         6. Hot work permit


Q12. What is the
enclosed space?

The space which is closed for more than 24 hours without ventilation is known
as enclosed space.

Chain Locker, Ballast tanks, Cofferdam, Double Bottom Tanks etc.

% of Oxygen to enter in any Enclosed Space is 21%


Before entering the
enclosed space following to be check

Work permit

Proper ventilation.

% of Oxygen and other toxic and
flammable gases

Proper Illumination

Standby Person

Proper communication


Dangers/Hazards of
Enclosed Space are
-Person can be Unconscious or die due to
lack of oxygen


Q13. What are the
hazards associated with enclosed space entry?

Ans.  1. Less percentage of oxygen                      2. Flammable gases

          3. Toxic gases.                                            4.
May not be proper illumination

          5. Less experience person involved.           6. Lack of communication


Q14. Will you enter a
hold of bulk carrier immediately after opening? No. why?

No, because there might be a toxic or flammable gases and less percentage of
oxygen, so it will be considered as enclosed space.


Q15. Why is it required
to carry out risk assessment before undertaking a hazardous work?

Risk assessment will find out the risk in that work and will reduces the risk
of accidents injuries which may happen during those hazardous operations.


Q16. What is SWL?

Ans. –
Maximum weight which can be lifted safely by any equipment without accidents,
injuries, damaging cargo or equipment’s.


Q17. Where will you
find SWL of lifting gears?

– Punched on binding straps or cheeks. Also in equipment certificates Kept in
Rigging Plan.


Q18. What is a breaking

Stress at which any equipment breaks is known as breaking stress.


Q19. Where will you
find the SWL of cargo block?

On binding straps and on cheeks of block and also in its certificates.


Q20. Where will you
find SWL of mooring ropes?

In their certificates in chain registers.


Q21. How is the garbage
generated onboard is handled by crew.

Garbage is segregated as per category and stored in separate drums, not thrown
overboard, plastic is totally banned  to
throw overboard, so the garbage is handover to shore facility once we reach to

waste can be thrown overboard. After 12 NM away from nearest land.