Task No. 11.1 Task: Auxiliary Machinery Pumps Sub Task: Identify types of pumps (centrifugal,
Category: MEK Practical Notes
How to make gasket for valve flange
Task No. 10.3 Task: Auxiliary Equipment and Maintenance, valves
Components of globe valve, gate valve and butterfly valve
Task No. 10.2 Task: Auxiliary Equipment and Maintenance, valves and pipe works Sub Task: Identify major
Different types of valves with respect to their common use on board
Task No. 10.1 Task: Auxiliary Equipment and Maintenance,
Lifting equipment (Eye bolts, Slings, Shackles, ratchet block and chain block)
Task No. 9 Task: Lifting Equipment and Techniques Sub
Pedestal drill machine components and safety precaution.
Task No. 8 Task: Drilling Sub Task: Identify
components of hand grinder and how to change wheels
Task No. 7.2 Task: Grinder Sub Task: Identify major components of hand grinder
Components of pedestal grinding machine and safety precaution.
Task No.7.1 Task: Grinding Sub Task: Identify major components of pedestal grinding machine. Aims:
Identify different types of files and their use.
Task No. 6.1
Identify different types of Hacksaw and their use.
Task No. 5.1 Task: Using Hacksaws Sub Task: Identify different types of Hacksaw and their